DRONE_TLS_AUTOCERT running v1.x.x errors with 'missing server name'

yes, the docs are valid for 1.x

the x/crypto/acme/autocert package is configured to write certificates to /data/golang-autocert. Make sure you mount /data as a rw volume.

$ ls /data/golang-autocert/
acme_account+key        cloud.drone.io

certificates in /etc/ssl come from the alpine ssl certificate package which is installed with apk add ca-certificates. I cannot speak to the CA or email address, however, if you have specific questions I recommend reaching out to the package maintainer.

maybe the default kubernetes environment variables are causing some sort of conflict? we have seen this before where kubernetes {SERVICE}_HOST and {SERVICE}_PROTO variables cause problems depending on how things are named. https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/container-environment-variables/#cluster-information

you would be able to rule out configuration issues by looking for the following entry in your logs and checking the host, address, port and protocol

  "acme": true,
  "host": "cloud.drone.io",
  "level": "info",
  "msg": "starting the http server",
  "port": ":443",
  "proto": "https",
  "time": "2019-07-15T03:02:22Z",
  "url": "https://cloud.drone.io"