Hi, I am trying to use the autoscaler with DRONE_AGENT_IMAGE=11111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/drone-runner-docker:1.6
so that it pulls the drone-runner-docker image from our AWS ECR registry.
However I am getting no basic auth credentials
error in the autoscaler logs.
I am using a custom cloud-init file that logs in to AWS ECR on boot (it successfully creates a /root/.docker/config.json
FWIW I also have the following flags in the autoscaler configuration:
But as far as I understand this is irrelevant for this problem - that is used to allow pipelines to pull from ECR for step images (which for me has always worked anyways).
I have gone through How to prevent DockerHub pull rate limit errors but that doesn’t address launching runners with the autoscaler.
Has anybody managed to get that working? What could I be missing?
edit: if my setup is correct, just guessing…could there be a sort of race condition where the autoscaler attempts to pull DRONE_AGENT_IMAGE
before the target host logs in to ECR and then it gives up and doesn’t retry?