Hi team,
I am able to get the slack messages for successful builds whereas not able to get the message for failure one’s. Below the code
name: slack
image: plugins/slack
webhook: https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxx
channel: xxxx
username: drone
link_names: true
template: >
{{#if build.pull }}
{{#success build.status}}{{ else }}✘{{/success}} {{ uppercasefirst build.status }}: <https://github.com/{{ repo.owner }}/{{ repo.name }}/pull/{{ build.pull }}|Pull Request #{{ build.pull }}>
{{#success build.status}}{{ else }}✘{{/success}} {{ uppercasefirst build.status }}: Build #{{ build.number }} (type:{{ build.event }}
{{/if}}Commit: <https://github.com/{{ repo.owner }}/{{ repo.name }}/commit/{{ build.commit }}|{{ truncate build.commit 8 }}> Branch: <https://github.com/{{ repo.owner }}/{{ repo.name }}/commits/{{ build.branch }}|{{ build.branch }}> Author: {{ build.author }} <{{ build.link }}|Visit build page ↗>
can someone provide thoughts on this please