Upon adding, activating the repo in drone the webhook is properly created on Bit Bucket Cloud. However when I push repo with .drone.yml I see drone catching the webhook but throws an error
11/11/2018 23:30:17{“level”:“error”,“ip”:“10…”,“path”:"/hook?secret=4GFgmlIrth8eXEpw…",“method”:“POST”,“request_id”:“bfkaqua8ukuqurr2bce0”,“error”:“sql: no rows in result set”,“namespace”:“fwt-hq”,“name”:“API V1”,“time”:“2018-11-11T22:30:17Z”,“message”:“cannot find repository”}
It looks like the name does not match … the UI has api-v1 and the webhook has API V1. Can you please provide a copy of the webhook payload by passing DRONE_DEBUG_DUMP_HOOK=true to the server. This will dump the full webhook payload to the Drone logs (you will want to remove this setting once troubleshooting is complete).
ok, I found the root cause. There are two different names in the payload (a display name, and a full_name). We were using the display name when parsing webhooks when we should have been using the full_name (slug).
That was my question before, where I wasn’t clear enough in explaining it. That would be perfect. Thank you for all the help @bradrydzewski! Much appreciated!
@rockoo this should be fixed for Bitbucket (get the new rc.1 snapshot). I have not personally test this outside of unit tests, so please let me know if you hit any issues.
@boredland I think I see where this issue is occurring in GitLab and will try to issue a patch tomorrow. I will post back to the issue once available for testing.