I’m looking for a good way of allowing one Drone pipeline to trigger another in the same repository, ideally without just giving that pipeline access to run/promote/whatever builds in all of my Drone repos. Using Gitea as my repo provider.
My first thought was to just create a new user in Gitea, give it write access to the repo, then log in to Drone with that user and use their token. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to work. I just get “not found” when I try to hit API endpoints that require write access, like creating a build or running a cron job.
I also looked into machine users, but it seems that there isn’t a way to give a machine user access to just one repo - it’s either read-only or admin access to everything.
Is there a good way to accomplish this? I could always make a small proxy and stick it in front of Drone’s API, and then I could apply whatever filtering I wanted, but I’d prefer to use a built-in solution if one exists.