I try to build a sample project with the following .drone.yml:
image: ubuntu
- apt-get update
- apt-get install --yes curl
- curl -v google.de
When I try to build a sample project the build is not starting and I get the following error message in the logs:
drone-agent_1 | {"time":"2018-05-12T13:27:36Z","level":"debug","message":"request next execution"}
drone-agent_1 | ctrl+c received, terminating process
drone-agent_1 | 2018/05/12 13:29:07 grpc error: done(): code: Canceled: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
drone-agent_1 | {"time":"2018-05-12T13:29:07Z","level":"error","error":"rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled","message":"pipeline done with error"}
drone-agent_1 | {"time":"2018-05-12T13:41:40Z","level":"debug","message":"request next execution"}
Does anybody know what could be the problem, or how I can get a more verbose error log?