Documentation for drone cli build create

Documentation for drone cli build create is missing in the online docs Installation | Drone
I have found this command in the cli tool. Is this command already supported? Or is there any other reason it is not added to the docs?

drone build create -h
drone build create - create a build

drone build create [command options] <repo/name>

–commit value source commit
–branch value source branch
–param value, -p value custom parameters to be injected into the job environment. Format: KEY=value
–format value format output (default: “Number: {{ .Number }}\nStatus: {{ .Status }}\nEvent: {{ .Event }}\nCommit: {{ .After }}\nBranch: {{ .Target }}\nRef: {{ .Ref }}\nAuthor: {{ .Author }} {{ if .AuthorEmail }}<{{.AuthorEmail}}>{{ end }}\nMessage: {{ .Message }}\n”)

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