Drone exec gives a "no space left on device" with big docker image file

drone exec .drone.yml
gives this error:
[…] failed to register layer: Error processing tar file(exit status 1): write /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-dwp: no space left on device
[…] time=“2019-07-31T00:29:21Z” level=fatal msg=“exit status 1”
2019/07/30 20:29:22 psf : exit code 1
I think it’s related to big docker image file (1GB) pulled by plugins/docker.
Note: It works fine remotely (on a drone server).
Thank you

failed to register layer: Error processing tar file(exit status 1): write /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-dwp: no space left on device

This error comes from the Docker daemon and indicates Docker is unable to create the image layer because you ran out of space. You should be able to inspect your Docker daemon logs to get more details, but this is not really something we (the Drone team) have much control over of since the error originates outside of our system.

You are right. I put more memory to docker and more swap file and it worked fine.
Thank you so much Bradry!