Drone vault plugin (reporting problems, errrors)

After much trial and error I have the drone-vault-extension running inside my k8s cluster and
connecting and retrieving secrets from vault. The biggest problem that I see here, is that
when you reference a secret from your drone.yml file and you have an error either in the path
or the secret name, or with access via the x-drone-repos it just silently fails. The only way to see what the problem is to look at the logs of the drone-vault-extension pod. This will be a support nightmare
since the job runs successfully, but silently, is there any plan to address this?

The logs look like this with errors:

   ult-extension-8658946948-4gfpg vault time="2021-05-18T11:35:45Z" level=debug msg="secrets: cannot find secret username: access denied: repository does not match"
drone-vault-extension-8658946948-4gfpg vault time="2021-05-18T11:35:45Z" level=debug msg="secrets: cannot find secret password: access denied: repository does not match"
drone-vault-extension-8658946948-4gfpg vault time="2021-05-18T15:26:31Z" level=debug msg="secrets: invalid or missing signature in http.Request"
drone-vault-extension-8658946948-4gfpg vault time="2021-05-18T16:03:07Z" level=debug msg="secrets: cannot find secret usernamex: secret key not found"
^[drone-vault-extension-8658946948-4gfpg vault time="2021-05-18T16:06:41Z" level=debug msg="secrets: cannot find secret username: access denied: repository does not match"
drone-vault-extension-8658946948-4gfpg vault time="2021-05-18T16:06:42Z" level=debug msg="secrets: cannot find secret password: access denied: repository does not match"
^[drone-vault-extension-8658946948-4gfpg vault time="2021-05-18T16:33:10Z" level=debug msg="secrets: cannot find secret username: secret not found"
drone-vault-extension-8658946948-4gfpg vault time="2021-05-18T16:33:10Z" level=debug msg="secrets: cannot find secret password: secret not found"