If you have a build step setup with the pull_request
event and the action set to sync
drone will not skip subsequent commits marked with [skip ci]
in the message because of the way skipMessage
currently works.
func skipMessage(hook *core.Hook) bool {
switch {
case hook.Event == core.EventTag:
return false
case hook.Event == core.EventCron:
return false
case hook.Event == core.EventCustom:
return false
case skipMessageEval(hook.Message):
return true
case skipMessageEval(hook.Title):
return true
return false
The pull_request synchronized event does not have a commit message in the webhook payload to parse and so unless the title of the PR is set to skip, then the build will not be skipped. I think what needs to happen is that somewhere it should use the API to fetch the commit message for the head noted in the payload and then use the retrieved message in determining if it should skip the build.