Error activating private repo on self hosted drone

I am playing around with drone and deployed a self hosted instance. I am able to “active” my public repos on github however, I am not able to active “private” ones. Looking at the network tab in my chrome browser I see the following request fails with the following response.

POST 'https://<my-hosted-url>/api/repos/doboy/secrets'

GET 404 Not Found []

It would appear that drone is not properly using the access_token from github. Any insights on what may be happening would be appreciated


Any insights on what may be happening would be appreciated

Did you change or override the default oauth scopes using the DRONE_GITHUB_SCOPE environment variable? If configured incorrectly Drone may not have the appropriate access required to make various API calls.

Did you revoke oauth access prior to attempting to activate the repository? These would be the only two root causes I can think of.

It would appear that drone is not properly using the access_token from github

The access_token is set prior to making all API requests to GitHub and the token is configured the same way for all API requests, with no difference in requests for a repository that is public vs private. For this reason, it seems most likely related to GitHub permissions, application configuration, scopes, etc.

Thanks, I did not set DRONE_GITHUB_SCOPE at all.