I tried to connect Drone:2.0.1 to GITEA and everything worked fine. I then connected the same instance to GITHUB (changed git provider).
Could login through OAuth or sync my github repos fine.
But I cannot open a build page (or repo page when build is ongoing) without having below error thrown in the Chrome console:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'timeStarted' of undefined
at main.cb7f5b7a.chunk.js:1
at main.cb7f5b7a.chunk.js:1
at Object.useMemo (2.57de3aee.chunk.js:2)
at t.useMemo (2.57de3aee.chunk.js:2)
at mo (main.cb7f5b7a.chunk.js:1)
at ia (2.57de3aee.chunk.js:2)
at Hu (2.57de3aee.chunk.js:2)
at Es (2.57de3aee.chunk.js:2)
at Os (2.57de3aee.chunk.js:2)
at Ss (2.57de3aee.chunk.js:2)
I have the same problem while having connected Drone to Bitbucket. Downgrading to 2.0.0 does not solve this issue. Also having a second build does not change the error I get when accessing http://drone-server/FOO/bar. Though I can access the builds directly: http://drone-server/FOO/bar/1
My problem was: the drone-runner was not running, so no builds were executed. Now the error is gone and I can access http://drone-server/FOO/bar without any problem.
I still think that this error (white page) should not occur, even if there are no builds running/finished.