Kube-runner: support mounting PersistentVolumeClaims in Kubernetes pipeline

In a k8s cluster, it is more practical to manage volumes using claims (PVC).

An example pipeline would look like:

kind: pipeline
type: kubernetes
name: default

- name: react build
  image: node
  - name: npm-cache
    path: /root/.npm
  - npm build

- name: npm-cache
  pvc: npm-cache-pvc

Thoughts or suggestions are welcome.

Hi @Elgarni, we just needed this feature aswell, so we have forked the repo and added some changes that allow to mount as readOnly an already existing PVC, that we use as shared storage between jobs. I would like to send this Pull Request but I’m not sure how to do it. I read the contributing guide and I understood that first a threat here is needed, isn’t it?

Yes, you’re right.

Can you please highlight some implementation details here, and also why you made it read-only?

@bradrydzewski Can you look at this

We are using Drone for some pipelines that need to access some heavy data that are already present outside the jobs, and we started to download these from a Minio instance, but the download jobs was around 11 min, so we thought that should be useful to mount as read only the PVC to run the jobs without wait to download all the data needed.

the .drone.yml should be something like below, where the already existing PVC is called received-data-claim

kind: pipeline
type: kubernetes
name: default

  disable: true

- name: write
  pull: if-not-exists
  image: alpine
  - name: shared
    path: /shared
  - pwd
  - ls /shared

# once the pipeline finished, check the host machine
# to see if exists /tmp/drone/test/greetings.txt

- name: shared
    name: received-data-claim

The pull request is this https://github.com/drone-runners/drone-runner-kube/pull/28

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