Hello everyone,
We are running drone on a single VM using the docker runner. We’ve noticed that a lot of the times the last part of the logs of a step aren’t shown.
All the pipelines are running on this same VM in docker containers, using a docker network to connect them all.
The VM is running Debian 10.
Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88
Drone server version: 1.9.2
For example, we run a command, it fails immediately and it should show a line with the error output, but the step already stops without showing the output of the failing command:
13 Installing collected packages: PTable, pip-licenses
14 Successfully installed PTable-0.9.2 pip-licenses-3.3.1
15 WARNING: Running pip as root will break packages and permissions. You should install packages reliably by using venv: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv
16 + pip-licenses --allow-only="MIT License;BSD License;Apache Software License;Apache License 2.0;Python Software Foundation License;Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)"
It’s not specific with this command, this is just an example, but it should print the error.
In the logs of the drone-server
docker container I do find the following logs:
{"error":"stream: not found","level":"warning","msg":"manager: cannot teardown log stream","step.id":6745,"step.name":"code licenses check","step.status":"skipped","time":"2021-05-10T16:03:52Z"}
Also what I find weird is that is says "step.status":"skipped"
, while it was running just fine.
This behaviour happens a lot, not only on failing steps, but always with these logs:
{"error":"stream: not found","level":"warning","msg":"manager: cannot teardown log stream","step.id":6753,"step.name":"linting check","step.status":"skipped","time":"2021-05-10T16:08:14Z"}
{"error":"stream: not found","level":"warning","msg":"manager: cannot teardown log stream","step.id":6754,"step.name":"formatting check","step.status":"skipped","time":"2021-05-10T16:08:14Z"}
{"error":"stream: not found","level":"warning","msg":"manager: cannot teardown log stream","step.id":6758,"step.name":"dead code check","step.status":"skipped","time":"2021-05-10T16:08:14Z"}
{"error":"stream: not found","level":"warning","msg":"manager: cannot teardown log stream","step.id":6750,"step.name":"Notify slack on failure","step.status":"skipped","time":"2021-05-10T16:11:24Z"}
What could be causing this?