Last part of step logs not always shown

Hello everyone,

We are running drone on a single VM using the docker runner. We’ve noticed that a lot of the times the last part of the logs of a step aren’t shown.
All the pipelines are running on this same VM in docker containers, using a docker network to connect them all.

The VM is running Debian 10.
Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88
Drone server version: 1.9.2

For example, we run a command, it fails immediately and it should show a line with the error output, but the step already stops without showing the output of the failing command:

13 Installing collected packages: PTable, pip-licenses
14 Successfully installed PTable-0.9.2 pip-licenses-3.3.1
15 WARNING: Running pip as root will break packages and permissions. You should install packages reliably by using venv:
16 + pip-licenses --allow-only="MIT License;BSD License;Apache Software License;Apache License 2.0;Python Software Foundation License;Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)"

It’s not specific with this command, this is just an example, but it should print the error.

In the logs of the drone-server docker container I do find the following logs:

{"error":"stream: not found","level":"warning","msg":"manager: cannot teardown log stream","":6745,"":"code licenses check","step.status":"skipped","time":"2021-05-10T16:03:52Z"}

Also what I find weird is that is says "step.status":"skipped", while it was running just fine.

This behaviour happens a lot, not only on failing steps, but always with these logs:

{"error":"stream: not found","level":"warning","msg":"manager: cannot teardown log stream","":6753,"":"linting check","step.status":"skipped","time":"2021-05-10T16:08:14Z"}
{"error":"stream: not found","level":"warning","msg":"manager: cannot teardown log stream","":6754,"":"formatting check","step.status":"skipped","time":"2021-05-10T16:08:14Z"}
{"error":"stream: not found","level":"warning","msg":"manager: cannot teardown log stream","":6758,"":"dead code check","step.status":"skipped","time":"2021-05-10T16:08:14Z"}
{"error":"stream: not found","level":"warning","msg":"manager: cannot teardown log stream","":6750,"":"Notify slack on failure","step.status":"skipped","time":"2021-05-10T16:11:24Z"}

What could be causing this?

Please provide the version and image of the docker runner you are using. Have you confirmed both the runner and the Drone server are using the latest stable releases so that we are not triaging something that has already been fixed in a newer release?

These log entries are normal and are not indicative of a problem.

I recommend enabling debug mode (Piping conversion extensions) and re-running the pipeline in debug mode. When running in debug mode, do you see drone capture the logs? If not, login to the machine where the runner is installed and run docker logs <container> for the container associated with your failed pipeline step. Does that include the expected logs?

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Due some vacation for me, I’ll have to do this next Monday!
Thanks for the tips already, I’ll give you an update then.