[MOVED] Drone not pulling latest commit

Hi there!

We have an issue with drone 0.8.4 that it often does not use the code from the latest commit on an open Pull Request on Github. Restarting the drone containers, and then restarting the build, fixes the issue.

We are using the Drillster volume cache, and that might be related to the issue, but i don’t see how since we only cache .sbt and .ivy2.

Problem is we have absolutely no idea how to start investigating where the issue might be so any pointers in the right direction would be awesome!


Some logs:

This is the git fetch message

+ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /drone/src/github.com/X/Y/.git/
+ git remote add origin https://github.com/X/Y.git
+ git fetch --no-tags origin +refs/pull/255/merge:
From https://github.com/X/Y
 * branch            refs/pull/255/merge -> FETCH_HEAD
+ git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD
+ git submodule update --init --recursive

I think this is related


Awesome! Thanks. Yes this is most likely it.

We are noticing the same issue on one of our repo, also after server upgrade to 0.8.4.

However in our case it doesn’t seem to be linked to “commit vs PR ref” since

  • Only PR is enabled on the repo
  • restarting the PR build takes care of fixing the issue

I’ll update with more info on monday since I suspect it might be linked to outdated agents ( running 0.8.3 ).

:point_right: Planned change to git clone logic