I have the administrator permission of the organization repository GitHub - terraform-provider-graylog/terraform-provider-graylog: Terraform Provider for Graylog , but I can’t activate the repository due to 404 not found error.
I confirmed that I have the administrator permission of the organization repository by GitHub API.
curl -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" https://api.github.com/repos/terraform-provider-graylog/terraform-provider-graylog
"name": "terraform-provider-graylog",
"full_name": "terraform-provider-graylog/terraform-provider-graylog",
"private": false,
"permissions": {
"admin": true,
"push": true,
"pull": true
But it is failed to access the repository from the web UI.
And it is failed to access the repository with Drone CLI.
$ drone --version
drone version 1.2.1
$ drone repo info terraform-provider-graylog/terraform-provider-graylog
client error 404: {"message":"Not Found"}
$ drone repo enable terraform-provider-graylog/terraform-provider-graylog
client error 404: {"message":"Not Found"}
$ drone info
User: suzuki-shunsuke
I’m using cloud.drone.io for many personal repositories but It seems that I can’t use cloud.drone.io for the organization repositories.
Is this expected?
Thank you