Organization public repository isn't found at

I have the administrator permission of the organization repository GitHub - terraform-provider-graylog/terraform-provider-graylog: Terraform Provider for Graylog , but I can’t activate the repository due to 404 not found error.

I confirmed that I have the administrator permission of the organization repository by GitHub API.

curl -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN"
  "name": "terraform-provider-graylog",
  "full_name": "terraform-provider-graylog/terraform-provider-graylog",
  "private": false,
  "permissions": {
    "admin": true,
    "push": true,
    "pull": true

But it is failed to access the repository from the web UI.

And it is failed to access the repository with Drone CLI.

$ drone --version
drone version 1.2.1

$ drone repo info terraform-provider-graylog/terraform-provider-graylog
client error 404: {"message":"Not Found"}

$ drone repo enable terraform-provider-graylog/terraform-provider-graylog
client error 404: {"message":"Not Found"}

$ drone info
User: suzuki-shunsuke

I’m using for many personal repositories but It seems that I can’t use for the organization repositories.

Is this expected?

Thank you

You need to hit the Sync button so that Drone will synchronize your repository list with github and add the repository to the Drone database.

Thank you for your reply.
I clicked Sync button but I can’t activate the repository yet.

Perhaps you need to setup your organization permissions to grant Drone access? See this thread:

1 Like

Oh, great!
This issue was solved by your answer.
Thank you very much!