runner-docker executes containers, even for cloning a repo. Is there a way to specify extra_hosts
or a docker run command --add-host
parameter when running the clone container, or any other containers?
runner-docker executes containers, even for cloning a repo. Is there a way to specify extra_hosts
or a docker run command --add-host
parameter when running the clone container, or any other containers?
This is still on the table for me, but I may need to extend or give an example. I reviewed source code of drone and the docker runner (and got lost a bit), but see my drone.yml:
kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: sphinx-builder
- "gitea.corp:"
- name: something
image: debian:slim
- "gitea.corp:"
- env
This produces in clone
Initialized empty Git repository in /drone/src/.git/
+ git fetch origin +refs/heads/master:
fatal: unable to access 'https://gitea.corp/mkovac/dronetest.git/': Could not resolve host: gitea.corp
I solved this temporarily by running extra DNS server. But now I get SSL verification error during clone step:
fatal: unable to access 'https://gitea.corp/mkovac/dronetest.git/': SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain
None of the *_SKIP_VERIFY
configuration variables can be used to ignore certificate during clone step. Can custom DRONE_RUNNER_CLONE_IMAGE
derived from original and injected corporate certification authority be an option, @bradrydzewski ?
are you running Drone and Gitea on the same machine? If so please see the following thread which discusses the recommended solution: http://discuss.harness.io/t/drone-docker-agents-on-custom-network/3732/10
if you want to disable ssl for cloning see the following thread: http://discuss.harness.io/t/drone-git-clone-ssl-error/5045/2?u=bradrydzewski
Thanks, solved.
The skip_verify
deserves to be documented here https://docs.drone.io/pipeline/docker/syntax/cloning/ since I reviewed it many times and could not find it…
I am not running on a single host, but single swarm cluster - so technically containers can end up together on one machine, but I run into no problems with this. I also setup gitea & drone several times on single docker host without issues.