I noticed that when using drone deploy secrets are not exposed to the job.
I’m running this command: drone deploy <repo> <build_number> <environment> -p PACKAGE=<some_package>
Maybe the fact that I’m using a parameter for the deploy somehow creates an issue?
When using the deploy directly, everything works fine.
I noticed a similar problem but it seems that --local is the problem there, prbably unrelated to this:
Secrets are available to deployment events by default. You can verify your secret configuration from the command line or from the secret management screen:
At which point they will be available to your build. Below is a screenshot from a real build (latest version of drone) that demonstrates the secret is indeed available to deployments.
We have a document for troubleshooting why secrets are not working [1] as well as the minimum required debug information that we need in order to answer these type of support questions [2].
Upgrading from a previous 0.8 (rc3) I had secrets defined only for push, I think that was the default behaviour before.
Anyway, I’ve redefined the secret now.