Sequencing builds

You can run multiple builds simultaneously so you end up with two pipelines running on the same machine at the same time. I can see why you might want to do this but also why you might not. Is there any way of forcing builds to run in sequence rather than in parallel. Ie When a commit is pushed don’t run it until previous pushes have finished running.

If not should there be? Maybe this is something for some kind of extension?

You can configure your pipeline concurrency to limit parallel execution. See How to limit build concurrency per project

Hi - that doesn’t limit concurrency at the build level though.

eg two commits of:

kind: pipeline
name: default
  limit: 1
- name: test
  image: alpine
  - sleep 120
  - echo "default"
kind: pipeline
name: default-1
  - default
  limit: 1
- name: test
  image: alpine
  - sleep 120
  - echo "default-1"

won’t enforce the following sequence:

1 commit1.default
2 commit1.default-1
3 commit2.default
4 commit2.default-1

This is correct. Drone only supports per-pipeline concurrency control.