Hi all,
I have really spent quite some time going over through the FAQ post and other places I could find, but really can’t seem to get this to work.
The setup:
- 3 raspi 4s, running k3s on alpine
The install:
- via Helm, using the official docs, with the following params:
helm install --namespace drone drone drone/drone \
--set env.DRONE_SERVER_HOST=drone.example.com \
--set env.DRONE_RPC_SECRET="<secret>" \
--set env.DRONE_GITEA_CLIENT_ID=<secret> \
--set env.DRONE_GITEA_CLIENT_SECRET="<secret>" \
--set env.DRONE_GITEA_SERVER="https://git.example.com" \
--set env.DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_TOKEN="<secret>" \
--set env.DRONE_LOG_TRACE=true
helm install --namespace drone drone-kube drone/drone-runner-kube \
--set rbac.buildNamespaces[0]=drone-runner \
--set env.DRONE_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT=drone-runner \
--set env.DRONE_RPC_SECRET="<secret>" \
--set env.DRONE_LOG_TRACE=true
Setup and connection to Gitea worked like a charm, and builds are being triggered on the master - but never get to run.
The RPC secret is matching between both.
In the Kube logs, I can see that the basic Client-Server communication is happening:
drone-6cdb58c97d-72672 server {"arch":"","kernel":"","kind":"pipeline","level":"debug","msg":"manager: request queue item","os":"","time":"2021-06-04T14:39:23Z","type":"kubernetes","variant":""}
This is the only log I am getting from the client.
drone-kube-drone-runner-kube-86696756c8-fhj7s server time="2021-06-04T14:32:41Z" level=info msg="starting the server" addr=":3000"
drone-kube-drone-runner-kube-86696756c8-fhj7s server time="2021-06-04T14:32:41Z" level=info msg="successfully pinged the remote server"
drone-kube-drone-runner-kube-86696756c8-fhj7s server time="2021-06-04T14:32:41Z" level=info msg="polling the remote server" capacity=100 endpoint="https://drone.opviel.de" kind=pipeline type=kubernetes
The pipeline itself is as basic as I could manage to make it:
kind: pipeline
type: kubernetes
name: test
os: linux
arch: arm64
- name: build
image: alpine
- echo test0r
- echo r0r0r0r
At this point I really am lost, and would be very thankful for some assistance.
Kind regards, opv