I follwed the guide https://docs.drone.io/server/overview/, and tried to install drone using docker-compose, putted my url to the gogs server. Started the process using docker-compose up but all it says that no version control is installed and ws://mydomainhete:8000/ws/broker connection refused (i am using port 8000) and used a nginx reverse proxy. Can someone guide me on what am i doing wrong?
Error msg:
drone-server_1 | time=“2017-01-28T08:11:30Z” level=fatal msg=“version control system not configured”
root_drone-server_1 exited with code 1
drone-agent_1 | 1:M 28 Jan 08:11:38.697 # connection failed, retry in 15s. websocket.Dial ws://ci.myweb.pw:8000/ws/broker: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
this is because your yaml is invalid and does not match the samples in the documentation. The below example quotes variables and mixes map and array syntax:
the above step, however, should not even be necessary. The DRONE_SERVER in the sample docker compose file in the official documentation does not need to be changed. You can use the default value in the official documentation, and bypass your nginx instance:
If i try to do it without the ""
root@gami:~# docker-compose up
ERROR: The Compose file ‘./docker-compose.yml’ is invalid because:
services.drone-server.environment contains {“DRONE_GOGS”: true}, which is an invalid type, it should be a string
Still complains
ERROR: The Compose file ‘./docker-compose.yml’ is invalid because:
services.drone-server.environment contains {“DRONE_GOGS”: “true”}, which is an invalid type, it should be a string