Source Code Management System is Not Configured Error

I am attempting to start an instance of Drone; however, I am running into the following error:

{"error":"Source code management system not configured","level":"fatal","msg":"main: source code management system is not configured","time":"2019-01-29T17:34:41Z"}

The container continuously attempts to restart so no UI. Note this is an internal github. I realize I am obfuscating the information, but if something special should be considered for one or more of the arguments please let me know.

docker run --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --volume=/var/lib/drone:/var/lib/drone --dns=<dns> --env=HTTP_PROXY=<proxy> --env=HTTPS_PROXY=<proxy> --env=DRONE_GITHUB_SERVER= --env=DRONE_GITHUB_CLIENT=<clientID> --env=DRONE_GITHUB_SECRET=<secret> --env=DRONE_RUNNER_CAPACITY=8 --env=DRONE_SERVER_HOST=<http://invalidhostname> --env=DRONE_SERVER_PROTO=http --env=DRONE_GITHUB=true --env=DRONE_TLS_AUTOCERT=false --publish=8085:80 --restart=always --detach=false --name=Drone_Master drone/drone:1.0.0-rc.5

Maybe I should consider using a different release (preferably one without a separate agent container)?

The variable names look incorrect, for example:


I recommend double-checking your environment variables with the official 1.0 install instructions at

Maybe I should consider using a different release (preferably one without a separate agent container)?

the official installation instructions provide a single-machine installation option that does not require an agent.

Yes indeed, thank you. :slight_smile: