I’m finding it difficult to locate consistent documentation on enabling the compose
or services
section of the .drone.yml
file with regard to inheriting services based on a docker-compose.yml
I am aware that Drone attempts to be a superset of docker-compose.yml
file with the added ‘pipeline’ feature.
However, in GH issues:
- github . com/drone/drone/issues/902#issuecomment-76745751
- github . com/drone/drone/issues/906#issue-59829409
And in the examples:
- github . com/drone/drone-yaml-v1/tree/master/samples
- docs.drone . io/services/
There is inconsistency in the syntax with little mention of how to ‘import’ docker-compose.yml
. Additionally, @bradrydzewski has also said “We do not have exact feature parity with docker-compose yet but feel free to open issues for specific discrepancies that you identify.”
My question is, which of the two syntax’s is correct – what will allow me to start services following the end of a pipeline?
Additionally, is there full feature parity if docker-compose.yml
is a .drone.yml
subset? Can I use service labels
, volumes
, networks
, ports
I’m testing the latest version of Drone, 0.8.4
(P.S. links are disabled due to new account)