I’ve integrated drone with my private bitbucket server via Application link.
But it’s not clear for me, how to appropriately trigger new build after code push
in repo? Is it right way to using push hook? Or drone can setup this hook?
I’ve integrated drone with my private bitbucket server via Application link.
But it’s not clear for me, how to appropriately trigger new build after code push
in repo? Is it right way to using push hook? Or drone can setup this hook?
Ok. As I understand from drone source code I should install Bitbucket Web Post Hooks Plugin for hook support. But I still couldn’t receive correct build
trigger message. May be require something else?
Hey there,
You should only need the web hooks plugin. But make sure to disable and re-enable the repo if you installed it after enabling the repo otherwise it will never create the webhook.
Hopefully that solves your problem.