I’ve been reading the drone cli docs, which mention a --format flag
❯ drone build help ls
drone build ls - show build history
drone build ls [command options] <repo/name>
--format value format output (default: "\x1b[33mBuild #{{ .Number }} \x1b[0m\nStatus: {{ .Status }}\nEvent: {{ .Event }}\nCommit: {{ .After }}\nBranch: {{ .Target }}\nRef: {{ .Ref }}\nAuthor: {{ .Author }} {{ if .AuthorEmail }}<{{.AuthorEmail}}>{{ end }}\nMessage: {{ .Message }}\n")
--branch value branch filter
--event value event filter
--status value status filter
--limit value limit the list size (default: 25)
--page value page number (default: 1)
I’d really like to display the date of events - is there an option for that? I’ve searched the docs, the forum, tried .Date
all to no avail. Any ideas?
Thanks, Sam