Pipeline fails with “clone: skipped” (Docker stack)


I’m trying to install the Drone server along with the Docker runner as a Docker stack, integrate it with Gitea in a different stack, with Traefik as a reverse proxy in front, and use it to build a simple Go program. Everything seems to be working up until the point where the pipeline is launched for execution – according to the Drone web UI, it fails on the first and only stage with a big orange warning: [pipeline name] – clone: skipped

The logs don’t show any meaningful debug information either and I’ve already tried many combinations involving changes to the network, exposing ports, environment variables, etc. but to no avail. Could you please assist?

Here are my configuration files and logs. Gitea SSH runs on a non-standard port, by the way (i. e. not 22).


version: '3'
    image: drone/drone
      - data:/data
      DRONE_GITEA_CLIENT_ID: [redacted]
      DRONE_GITEA_SERVER: https://git.[redacted]
      DRONE_RPC_SECRET: [redacted]
      DRONE_SERVER_HOST: drone.[redacted]
      - db
      - drone
      - traefik_webgateway
        traefik.frontend.rule: "Host:drone.[redacted]"
        traefik.backend: "drone_server"
        traefik.port: "80"
        traefik.docker.network: "traefik_webgateway"
          - node.hostname == [master node]
        parallelism: 2
        delay: 10s
        condition: any
        delay: 5s
        max_attempts: 3

    image: drone/drone-runner-docker
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      DRONE_RPC_PROTO: https
      DRONE_RPC_HOST: drone.[redacted]
      DRONE_RPC_SECRET: [redacted]
      DRONE_RUNNER_NETWORKS: drone_drone
      DRONE_LOGS_DEBUG: "true"
      DRONE_LOGS_TEXT: "true"
      DRONE_LOGS_PRETTY: "true"
      DRONE_LOGS_COLOR: "true"
      - server
      - "3000:3000"
      - drone
          - node.hostname == [master node]
        parallelism: 2
        delay: 10s
        condition: any
        delay: 5s
        max_attempts: 3


    driver: overlay
    external: true


kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: name

- name: step
  image: golang
  - go test
  - go build

server log

{"interval":"30m0s","level":"info","msg":"starting the cron scheduler","time":"2021-05-11T21:46:18Z"},
{"interval":"24h0m0s","level":"info","msg":"starting the zombie build reaper","time":"2021-05-11T21:46:18Z"},
{"acme":false,"host":"drone.[redacted]","level":"info","msg":"starting the http server","port":":80","proto":"https","time":"2021-05-11T21:46:18Z","url":"https://drone.[redacted]"},
{"commit":"[redacted]","error":"Not Found","event":"custom","level":"warning","msg":"trigger: cannot find yaml","ref":"refs/heads/master","repo":"[redacted]","time":"2021-05-11T21:59:19Z"},

runner log

time="2021-05-11T23:37:45Z" level=debug msg="successfully pinged the docker daemon",
time="2021-05-11T23:37:45Z" level=info msg="starting the server" addr=":3000",
time="2021-05-11T23:37:45Z" level=info msg="successfully pinged the remote server",
time="2021-05-11T23:37:45Z" level=info msg="polling the remote server" arch=amd64 capacity=2 endpoint="https://drone.[redacted]" kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker,
time="2021-05-11T23:37:45Z" level=debug msg="poller: request stage from remote server" thread=2,
time="2021-05-11T23:37:45Z" level=debug msg="poller: request stage from remote server" thread=1,
time="2021-05-11T23:37:59Z" level=debug msg="stage received" stage.id=29 stage.name=default stage.number=1 thread=1,
time="2021-05-11T23:37:59Z" level=debug msg="stage accepted" stage.id=29 stage.name=default stage.number=1 thread=1,
time="2021-05-11T23:37:59Z" level=debug msg="stage details fetched" build.id=29 build.number=29 repo.id=10 repo.name=[redacted] repo.namespace=[redacted] stage.id=29 stage.name=default stage.number=1 thread=1,
time="2021-05-11T23:37:59Z" level=debug msg="updated stage to running" build.id=29 build.number=29 repo.id=10 repo.name=[redacted] repo.namespace=[redacted] stage.id=29 stage.name=default stage.number=1 thread=1,
time="2021-05-11T23:37:59Z" level=debug msg="destroying the pipeline environment" build.id=29 build.number=29 repo.id=10 repo.name=[redacted] repo.namespace=[redacted] stage.id=29 stage.name=default stage.number=1 thread=1,
time="2021-05-11T23:37:59Z" level=debug msg="successfully destroyed the pipeline environment" build.id=29 build.number=29 repo.id=10 repo.name=[redacted] repo.namespace=[redacted] stage.id=29 stage.name=default stage.number=1 thread=1,
time="2021-05-11T23:37:59Z" level=debug msg="updated stage to complete" build.id=29 build.number=29 duration=0 repo.id=10 repo.name=[redacted] repo.namespace=[redacted] stage.id=29 stage.name=default stage.number=1 thread=1,
time="2021-05-11T23:37:59Z" level=debug msg="poller: request stage from remote server" thread=1,
time="2021-05-11T23:37:59Z" level=debug msg="done listening for cancellations" build.id=29 build.number=29 repo.id=10 repo.name=[redacted] repo.namespace=[redacted] stage.id=29 stage.name=default stage.number=1 thread=1,
time="2021-05-11T23:38:03Z" level=debug msg="stage received" stage.id=30 stage.name=default stage.number=1 thread=2,
time="2021-05-11T23:38:03Z" level=debug msg="stage accepted" stage.id=30 stage.name=default stage.number=1 thread=2,

Thank you in advance.

Based on the error message I would assume that you don’t have a .drone.yml file in your git repo which you like to build?

See [solved] Builds keep failing: "clone: skipped" - #9 by bradrydzewski

1 Like

Thank you, but this is not the case and the contents of the file are reflected in the Drone UI (name of the pipeline, steps, etc.), so this error message appears to be misleading.

Thank you very much, the issue is gone! I think it was indeed mostly the use of drone/drone:latest, which was a silly error and entirely my fault because I didn’t follow the documentation, apologies.

For future reference, I—

  1. specified the version for the server and client Docker images to :1,
  2. added the environment variable DOCKER_API_VERSION: 1.39 to both due to another error I got, and
  3. changed the network to an attachable and external one in order to allow the Drone runner to attach its own containers to it.

This issue is thus solved, thank you for this excellent software!

Hi All, I have the same problem: Build - clone: skipped

Drone stack:

version: "3.7"

    image: drone/drone:2.0.0
    #image: ruanbekker/drone-server:basic-auth-1.2.1
    container_name: drone-server
    hostname: drone-server
      - 9080
      - 9000
      - /volume2/docker/drone-server:/var/lib/drone/
    restart: always
    network_mode: host
      - DRONE_OPEN=true
      - DRONE_GITEA=true
      - DRONE_DEBUG=true
      - DRONE_ADMIN=apl
      - DRONE_USER_CREATE=username:apl,admin,drone:true
      - DRONE_SERVER_PORT=:8989
      - DRONE_DATABASE_DATASOURCE=root:.dc@9Jj@7YfrjoPVyHRekuMW7hw@tcp(
      - DRONE_GITEA_SERVER=https://git.internal.me
      - DRONE_GITEA_CLIENT_ID=5fe862f1-ace5-49a1-9294-9da9c84078cd
      - DRONE_RPC_SECRET=9c3921e3e748aff725d2e16ef31fbc42
      - DRONE_SERVER_HOST=drone.internal.me
      - DRONE_HOST=drone-server
      - DRONE_SERVER_PROTO=https
      - DRONE_TLS_AUTOCERT=false
      - DRONE_LOGS_DEBUG=true
      - DRONE_LOGS_TEXT=true
      - DRONE_LOGS_PRETTY=true
    image: drone/drone-runner-docker
    #image: ruanbekker/drone-agent:basic-auth-1.2.1
    container_name: drone-agent
    hostname: drone-agent
    command: agent
    restart: always
    network_mode: host
      - 8939:8939
      - drone-server
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /volume2/docker/drone-agent:/data
      - DRONE_HTTP_BIND=:8939
      - DRONE_RPC_HOST=drone.internal.me:8989
      - DRONE_RPC_SECRET=9c3921e3e748aff725d2e16ef31fbc42
      - DRONE_RUNNER_NAME=drone-agent
      - DRONE_RPC_PROTO=http
      - DRONE_DEBUG=true
      - DRONE_LOGS_DEBUG=true
      - DRONE_LOGS_TEXT=true
      - DRONE_LOGS_PRETTY=true


kind: pipeline
type: docker
os: linux
arch: amd64
name: Build

  release_type: alpha
  DPKG_FRONTEND: noninteractive
    - master

- name: greeting
  image: alpine
  - echo hello
  - echo world

- name: test
  image: alpine
  - ls -la
  - mount

Server log:

time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="main: license loaded" build.limit=0 expires="0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC" kind=trial repo.limit=0 user.limit=0
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="bootstrap: create account" admin=false login=apl machine=false token=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="bootstrap: updating account" admin=false login=apl machine=false token=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="bootstrap: account already up-to-date" admin=false login=apl machine=false token=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=info msg="starting the http server" acme=false host=drone.internal.me port=":8989" proto=https url="https://drone.internal.me"
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=info msg="starting the cron scheduler" interval=30m0s
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=info msg="starting the zombie build reaper" interval=24h0m0s
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="manager: request queue item" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="manager: request queue item" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="manager: request queue item" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="manager: request queue item" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:23Z" level=debug msg="webhook parsed" commit=9680e695ed12d75187c9c7e2ad96ff8a3e9fe5be event=push name=Drone-test namespace=AP
time="2021-05-21T14:37:23Z" level=debug msg="trigger: received" commit=9680e695ed12d75187c9c7e2ad96ff8a3e9fe5be event=push ref=refs/heads/master repo=AP/Drone-test
time="2021-05-21T14:37:23Z" level=debug fields.time="2021-05-21T14:37:23Z" latency=172.008321ms method=POST remote="" request="/hook?secret=5fSmAwPm5btECtikmYhljtJ94OjuFV8e" request-id=1sql8smNBeVnb2KaxgatztTZFfA
time="2021-05-21T14:37:23Z" level=debug msg="manager: accept stage" machine=drone-agent stage-id=15
time="2021-05-21T14:37:23Z" level=debug msg="manager: stage accepted" machine=drone-agent stage-id=15
time="2021-05-21T14:37:23Z" level=debug msg="manager: fetching stage details" step-id=15
time="2021-05-21T14:37:23Z" level=debug msg="manager: stage is complete. teardown" stage.id=15
time="2021-05-21T14:37:24Z" level=debug msg="manager: build is finished, teardown" build.id=15 build.number=15 repo.id=1 stage.id=15
time="2021-05-21T14:37:24Z" level=debug msg="manager: request queue item" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:46Z" level=debug msg="manager: context canceled" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:46Z" level=debug msg="manager: context canceled" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:46Z" level=debug msg="manager: context canceled" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:54Z" level=debug msg="manager: context canceled" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:56Z" level=debug msg="manager: request queue item" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:56Z" level=debug msg="manager: request queue item" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=
time="2021-05-21T14:37:56Z" level=debug msg="manager: request queue item" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=
time="2021-05-21T14:38:04Z" level=debug msg="manager: request queue item" arch=amd64 kernel= kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker variant=

Agent log:

time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="successfully pinged the docker daemon"
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=info msg="starting the server" addr=":8939"
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=info msg="successfully pinged the remote server"
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=info msg="polling the remote server" arch=amd64 capacity=4 endpoint="http://drone.internal.me:8989" kind=pipeline os=linux type=docker
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="poller: request stage from remote server" thread=4
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="poller: request stage from remote server" thread=1
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="poller: request stage from remote server" thread=2
time="2021-05-21T14:37:16Z" level=debug msg="poller: request stage from remote server" thread=3
time="2021-05-21T14:37:23Z" level=debug msg="stage received" stage.id=15 stage.name=Build stage.number=1 thread=4
time="2021-05-21T14:37:23Z" level=debug msg="stage accepted" stage.id=15 stage.name=Build stage.number=1 thread=4
time="2021-05-21T14:37:23Z" level=debug msg="stage details fetched" build.id=15 build.number=15 repo.id=1 repo.name=Drone-test repo.namespace=AP stage.id=15 stage.name=Build stage.number=1 thread=4
time="2021-05-21T14:37:23Z" level=debug msg="updated stage to running" build.id=15 build.number=15 repo.id=1 repo.name=Drone-test repo.namespace=AP stage.id=15 stage.name=Build stage.number=1 thread=4
time="2021-05-21T14:37:24Z" level=debug msg="destroying the pipeline environment" build.id=15 build.number=15 repo.id=1 repo.name=Drone-test repo.namespace=AP stage.id=15 stage.name=Build stage.number=1 thread=4
time="2021-05-21T14:37:24Z" level=debug msg="successfully destroyed the pipeline environment" build.id=15 build.number=15 repo.id=1 repo.name=Drone-test repo.namespace=AP stage.id=15 stage.name=Build stage.number=1 thread=4
time="2021-05-21T14:37:24Z" level=debug msg="updated stage to complete" build.id=15 build.number=15 duration=0 repo.id=1 repo.name=Drone-test repo.namespace=AP stage.id=15 stage.name=Build stage.number=1 thread=4
time="2021-05-21T14:37:24Z" level=debug msg="poller: request stage from remote server" thread=4
time="2021-05-21T14:37:24Z" level=debug msg="done listening for cancellations" build.id=15 build.number=15 repo.id=1 repo.name=Drone-test repo.namespace=AP stage.id=15 stage.name=Build stage.number=1 thread=4

I think os and arch should be under platform like so:

  os: linux
  arch: amd64

yes, you are correct. moved it to “Platform”. Simplified pipeline. But it still failing: “Build - clone: skipped”

kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: Build

  os: linux
  arch: amd64

- name: greeting
  image: alpine
  - echo hello world

Are there any errors in the UI, can you get a screen shot of that.
The logs you provided dont have any errors.

  • double check that the .drone.yml file being used is the one expected. ie what is checked into the repo
  • there is a latest image for drone, which is newer than 2.0
  1. whole .drone.yml above. drone file after drone fmt command.
  2. this is drone image 2.0.0.
    Drone server: 834586aa3224 drone/drone:2.0.0
    Drone runner: 77a89b3f84e4 drone/drone-runner-docker
  3. I see no errors in the UI, beside mentioned above.
  4. Repository has:
drwxr-xr-x  12 apl  staff   384 May 24 08:14 .git
-rw-r--r--   1 apl  staff     0 May 20 08:08 Dockerfile
-rw-r--r--   1 apl  staff     0 May 19 20:42 README.md

One of idea was – “empty files, nothing to checkout” – add some strings to Readme and Dockerfile. Result is the same: Build - clone: skipped

so i tried your build file on my drone setup, and it worked. so it isnt that.
On the build page you can see what drone is doing by using the developer console for your web browser and enabling developer tools and clicking on the network tab EG

For when i click on ‘3’ denoting build 3 i can see more info. it might be worth looking there.

option 2
when i had issues connecting to github i used a container with some network tools in it

cat Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y traceroute iputils-ping
ENTRYPOINT /bin/bash

then my .drone.yml looked like

kind: pipeline
name: default
type: docker

disable: true


  • name: check network connections
    image: tphoney/traceroute
    pull: if-not-exists

Thank you for verification.
but on my setup i have “Clone: skipped”. I’m pretty sure the problem is somewhere between gitea, drone and runner. and i have no idea where and how can identify and solve it. i’m expecting some logs around “cloning” stage, but there is nothing.

Hi aplsms

Could please add the TP_Honey connectivity step before your cloning step and them run your build as debug?

You will be able to perform some network test against the Git.

Error message changed: Build - check network connections: skipped


kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: Build

  os: linux
  arch: amd64

  disable: true


- name: check network connections
  image: tphoney/traceroute
  pull: if-not-exists
  - env
  - ping git.petrenko.me -w 5
  - traceroute -T -p 443 git.petrenko.me
  - echo "end of test"

- name: greeting
  image: alpine
  - echo hello world

I can terminate environment, run it with any debug flags, change any configs – just let me know what I should do,

Do your runners have labels DRONE_RUNNER_LABELS=os:linux,arch:amd64? see > https://docs.drone.io/runner/docker/configuration/reference/drone-runner-labels/

actually with my previous comment I was confusing platform and node. That said its worth verifying your runners are drone/drone-runner-docker:linux-arm64

Could please confirm that you are running the runner using the tag [linux-amd64]?

i’ve use this setting: - DRONE_RUNNER_LABELS=os:linux,arch:amd64; then i removed it and remove everything from pipeline.
just add it there, and pipeline is stuck, for ~40 min.

Just in case compose file:

    image: drone/drone:2.0.0
    container_name: drone-server
    hostname: drone-server
      - 9080
      - 9000
      - /volume2/docker/drone-server/:/var/lib/drone/
    restart: always
    network_mode: host
      - DRONE_OPEN=true
      - DRONE_GITEA=true
      - DRONE_DEBUG=true
      - DRONE_ADMIN=apl
      - DRONE_USER_CREATE=username:apl,admin,drone:true
      - DRONE_SERVER_PORT=:8989
      - DRONE_DATABASE_DATASOURCE=drone:Drone_Password1@tcp(
      - DRONE_GITEA_SERVER=https://git.internal.me
      - DRONE_GITEA_CLIENT_ID=5fe862f1-ace5-49a1-9294-9da9c84078cd
      - DRONE_RPC_SECRET=9c3921e3e748aff725d2e16ef31fbc42
      - DRONE_SERVER_HOST=drone.internal.me
      - DRONE_HOST=drone-server
      - DRONE_SERVER_PROTO=https
      - DRONE_TLS_AUTOCERT=false
      - DRONE_LOGS_DEBUG=true
      - DRONE_LOGS_TEXT=true
      - DRONE_LOGS_PRETTY=true
      - DRONE_LOGS_TRACE=true

    image: drone/drone-runner-docker
    container_name: drone-agent
    hostname: drone-agent
    command: agent
    restart: always
    network_mode: host
      - 8939:8939
      - drone-server
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /volume2/docker/drone-agent/:/data/
      - DRONE_HTTP_BIND=:8939
      - DRONE_RPC_HOST=drone.internal.me:8989
      - DRONE_RPC_SECRET=9c3921e3e748aff725d2e16ef31fbc42
      - DRONE_RUNNER_NAME=drone-agent
      - DRONE_RUNNER_LABELS=os:linux,arch:amd64
      - DRONE_RPC_PROTO=http
      - DRONE_DEBUG=true
      - DRONE_LOGS_DEBUG=true
      - DRONE_LOGS_TEXT=true
      - DRONE_LOGS_PRETTY=true
      - DRONE_LOGS_TRACE=true

Can you try changing drone/drone-runner-docker to drone/drone-runner-docker:linux-amd64?

As HC89 solved the problem,

Could you please follow his steps?

  1. specify the version for the server and client Docker images to :1 ,
    (ONLY if you face an error without this)2. added the environment variable DOCKER_API_VERSION: 1.39
  2. changed the network to an attachable and external one in order to allow the Drone runner to attach its own containers to it.

An example of an attachable and external network.

    image: nginx
    - core-infra
    external: true